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Introduced Chamisul renewal! 2009-12-22

The renewals of Chamisul original, 20.1% alcohol content, and

Chamisul fresh, 19.5% alcohol content were introduced on

December 17 in the market. Activated bamboo charcoal filtered

through the process of steam and natural cooling repeatedly,

has seven times stronger refining power than regular bamboo charcoal.

Both products have unified brand images with improved label

designs. Chamisul original displays conviction and confidence

 as a national leading brand, showing red labels while

 Chamisul fresh indicates clean and fresh, showing blue

labels. The purpose of this renewal is projected to produce strong

 brand power in the market.

BRAND SITE Chamisul Maehwasu Suksu Lancelot Puris FAMILY SITE THE HITE JINRO America JINRO Japan